I received an e-mail from Esurance (the carrier who insists that high premiums and the biggest deductibles on planet earth are beneficial to my personal growth) which details the exciting new change... Are you ready? Sitting down? Defibrillator on hand? Good.
They've changed their logo from this...

They believe - and this is quoting from the source material - that the new logo "is modern and approachable." So what I've gleaned from this is that the new black, lower case font is modern (in that way that means a child who hasn't learned about capitals wrote it) and approachable (in that way of nice old ladies who never shun you). So I can now walk up to the new logo and shake its E?
If they waste actual paper - thus killing trees - to inform others who lack e-mail, I'm switching companies, approachable, modern logo or not!
I prefer the new logo. The thumbnail picture on the old one is too small to appreciate and the blue "e" is sinister.
ReplyDeleteWell, what do you want out of a group of Olde Worlders. Now when your rates go up, you will know and be proud of the fact that you and who knows how many other people paid a large sum of money to some group of THINKERS to come up with the new larger logo.
ReplyDeleteIt is a proud day for dumb. Now you must ask yourself, if this is now, then what is next.......
God bless esurance, we can all now rest pacefully in our beds safe in the knowledge that their new logo is making the world a better place.